
Bite Trigger Micro Berley Pellets

Each 700g bag of  Bite Trigger Micro Berley Pellets is designed to attract fish and hold them in your target area. They have been engineered to get fish biting and are perfect for both fresh and  salt water fishing of any kind.

These pellets have been made small for 2  specific applications:

  1. Poured into a closed ended berley cage, they release some pellets as they fall through the water column and deposit the rest on the bottom near your bait. They break down slowly in water, releasing their fishy smells and oils.
  2. Used in an open ended berley cage. You simply pour a small amount on top of your Bite Hard Berley and then sandwich them in the berley cage.  This holds them in the cage so they are  distributed close to, or on, the bottom.

Their complex bait signature will spike a feeding response and help maximise your fish catch rate…

….so get the most of your fishing session by making the fish come to YOU!

These pellets have been tested and absolutely proven to stimulate fish and get them biting. 

They are ready to go straight from the bag. No mixing, no adding water, just pour them into a berley cage or onto your Bite Hard Berley and your in business. No mess, no fuss, just ready to fish.

….they are deadly for any salt or fresh  water fishing.

Get yours now and skyrocket your catch rate.



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