
Closed End Berley Cage with Cap 20gm Pack of 3

Bring the fish to YOU!

This closed end berley cage not only acts as your sinker but is a fish magnet designed to bring the fish to you.

Perfectly suited to holding attractants it can be filled in the following ways:

  • Blood and Guts Berley Pellets to provided a slow releasing scent trail
  • Dry or wet Bite Hard Berley to leave a cloud of highly attractive smells in the water column
  • Small particles of your hook bait to get the fish seaching for more….and finding your hook.

It’s got a 20g lead weight and a screw on cap. Simply screw off the cap, drop in the berley, fit the cap and cast out.

Ideal  for waters like lakes and reservoirs  as well as slow moving rivers, estuaries, beaches and piers. If  20g weight is too light simply place a  ball sinker into the cage to increase its holding power.

Increase your catch rate with this simple to use item that gets those fish hungry and attracted to your hook.



Colour: Cammo Green
Construction: Plastic
Weight: 20 gm
Packaging: Packet of 3

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