
Predator Mix Berley

Predator Mix  Berley

Predator Mix Berley was created after endless research, experimentation and fish catching results.

Designed specifically for fresh water, it is amazingly attractive to predator species like redfin (English Perch) and Australian native species such as Golden Perch, Murray Cod and Silver Perch.  At the same time it is far less attractive to non predatory species like carp.

Unlike  other simple commercial berley  the Predator Mix Berley is made from a number of complex ingredients that stimulate fish to feed and keep them in your target area.

Each 1.5 kg bag also includes detailed instructions on how to use it to maximise your fish catch rate.

It is formulated to be used dry in a closed end berley cage.

This original Predator Mix Berley formula is made specifically for FRESH WATER fishing to attract predatory fish to your bait and drive them into a feeding frenzy.

If you want to skyrocket your catch rate and make the fish come to YOU then make sure you take Predator Mix Berley next time you go fishing!




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